health check, News


Crime Check Foundation, CCF has received with grief the painful death of Bentum Philip Turkson after he struggled to survive an accident which got him bedridden him for Six years.

Late Bentum Turkson

Turkson who was in his mid-thirties was knocked down by a hit and run driver whiles he was on his way to work. He suffered severe spine injuries and since then was unable to get on his feet.

CCF upon hearing his predicament went to his aid with several donations including cash to enable him have proper medical attention and assorted items all in a bid to help him get back on his feet.

During one of CCF’s routine visit to Turkson, he said he was grateful for his life and the progress in his health each day. He also talked about how much he was loved. “When I reminisce what happened to me and how far God has brought me, I know he really loves me. People die through strange means but I am still alive. When I go for review they encourage me to gradually move some parts of my body so I can be active.” He told crimecheckghana.

CCF’s support to the family translated into joy for the young man as he said he did not feel dejected. “My family takes good care of me and I do not feel dejected. I know at the right time, I will be healed.” He said.

Regrettably, CCF has formerly been informed about the passing of the middle aged man who has been struggling to survive. In a visit to the bereaved family, Turkson’s mother narrated her son’s journey to his last breath. “Turkson on May 5, 2020 started losing his appetite for food as his breath began fading out. His condition worsened so I asked his younger brother to call an Ambulance to take him to the hospital. Whiles we were waiting for the arrival of the Ambulance I decided to clean him and in the process he was silent so I shouted his name which suddenly brought him back to his senses. I was trying to interact with him but he was not responding so I touched him and his body felt cold, at that moment he gave up his last breath.” The teary mother narrated.

The Executive Director of CCF, Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng expressed the Foundation’s heartfelt condolence to the family and sent a word of advice to believers to live uprightly. “We are only sojourners on this earth and we all will surely leave this planet one day. Life after death is sad so if an individual passes on, the most important thing is the place the soul of the deceased is going. If you live righteously your home will be Paradise but if you lived waywardly your soul will be sent to Hell as the Holy Quran postulates. We ask God to give Turkson Bentum a resting place in his abode.” He said.

CCF is appealing to benevolent individuals to support Turkson’s family to hold a befitting burial for their deceased loved one.

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