69 year old widow, Mary Akakpo sleeps in the hall way of a benevolent individual with her three orphan grandchildren because she cannot rent a room due to financial difficulties.

Ms Akakpo said she was rendered homeless after the death of her husband. She said her situation worsened after her daughter and her husband also passed on leaving behind their three children whose upkeep have become her sole responsibility. She said her other children who are alive are unable to support her because they are also struggling to make a living. “My husband did not leave behind any property so after his demise I became stranded until the woman whose house I find refuge now met me and agreed for me to stay with her. She has been good to me because at least she is able to feed me and my grandchildren daily. What I also do to help her is attending to her food vending business which she does in the house when she goes to the market.” She told crimecheckghana.
The poor widow said she has been advised to stop working in heat conditions but she has no choice than to help the woman with her food vending business because she gets cash gifts from her.
Mary’s granddaughter, Zipporah who aspires to be a lawyer in future said she has lost all hopes of achieving her dreams in the future because her grandmother is unable to provide her needs. “I want to be a lawyer but my dreams are dashed because my parents who could help me have passed on. She said.

Crime Check Foundation, CCF through one of its US based group donors, Beautiful Ladies gave the old woman Five Hundred Ghana Cedis for her upkeep.
Aunty Mary thanked CCF and the Beautiful Ladies for the support. “Thank you and God bless you and make your businesses bear more fruits. May God grant you long life.” She said.
The Charity Series is used to solicit support for famished individuals to improve their living conditions.