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June 28 slated for Commissioning of Christian Atsu’s Educational Centre at Senya Bereku

The official opening of the Christian Atsu’s Educational Centre at Senya Bereku in the Central Region is set for June 28, 2023.

Arms Around The Child in collaboration with the Becky’s Foundation, supported by Crime Check Foundation (CCF) will be at the forefront of the memorable event.

Becky’s Foundation had been a benefactor of the benevolence of the late winger whiles he was alive.

Atsu started the construction of the educational centre from his own coffers for the orphans of the Becky’s Foundation.

He visited the orphanage anytime he came down to Ghana on holidays.

Unfortunately, the late Black Stars player lost his life in an earthquake that struck Turkey early 2023 when he played for Hatayspor.

A state burial was held to honour him for his contribution to Ghana’s football.

After his demise, Arms Around The Child with other organizations continued the funding for the completion of the educational centre.

The commissioning of the 9-unit classroom block will attract government officials, educationists, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the general public.

Some of the dignitaries to be present include the Minister for Education, Yaw Osei Adutwum, Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya West, Gizella Akushika Tetteh-Agbotui and the Global Director of Arms Around The Child, Elly Milner.

“We will see Assembly Members, teachers, and a delegation from Arms Around the Child will attend the event,” the Director of the Becky’s Foundation, Seth told

According to Seth, Christian Atsu’s twin sister Atsupui will not attend the programme. It is also not confirmed if the late player’s wife Marie Claire Rupio will be present. However, Atsu’s elder brother will be in attendance.

Crime Check Foundation has since the demise of the Black Stars player been a stand-in supporting Becky’s orphanage with cash and food donations.

By Rudolph Nandi

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