Crime, News

Class five pupil allegedly drowns while working on Lake Volta

A 38-year-old woman, Comfort Quaye is seeking justice for her son whom she gave out to work on the Volta Lake but allegedly drowned and buried without her consent.

The 18-year-old Class Five pupil, Gabriel Essanoh drowned whiles working on the Lake at Yeji in the Bono East Region.

Gabriel was ‘sold’ together with his younger brother for One Thousand Two Hundred Ghana cedis.

Comfort Quaye gave them out with the assurance of their safety to work on the Lake.

The young woman said after the death of her husband she experienced financial difficulties forcing her to give her sons out.

According to the widow, two women including a close family friend approached her to express interest in her children for fishing.

The children, Comfort said, were to return when school resumes.

“I told the children about their going and they agreed. I only wanted them to work during the vacation so that the little they would get I can add it to what I would be able to save to cater for them,” she told

Comfort said the agreement was for the children to work at Yeji but the deal was breached.

Gabriel was further taken up the Northern part of the country and was ‘sold’ to a boat master, Kweku Tsi at a town closer to the Togo border called Abenagyei.

The mother of six said she lost contact with Gabriel but was in continuous touch with her other son.

Though the agreement was for the children to return after vacations, Comfort is yet to see them after ten months.

The young widow appeared unperturbed about her sons’ return until she received the devastating news of Gabriel’s demise.

Comfort will never see Gabriel again. “Kweku Tsi called to inform me about Gabriel’s death,” she said regretfully.

Comfort said she wanted to see his son’s lifeless body to confirm his demise or she would believe it is either he has been used for rituals or sold to another boat master.

But Kweku Tsi, without consent from Comfort and her family, buried Gabriel two hours after the Lake vomited him out.

“Initially Kweku Tsi said they were able to save my son. I called again and they confirmed he was dead,” the young widow recounted.

Comfort has been trying to reach Kweku Tsi on phone since the incident but has been unsuccessful.

Until she sees the grave of her son, Comfort is yet to come to terms with the son’s demise and is calling on government to serve Gabriel justice.

By Rudolph Nandi

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